Houston Art Car Ball
The Houston Art Car Ball is a social gathering of sorts for art car participants and enthusiasts alike. Art car parade participants interact with the host community. Trust me, this is usually the best time of the year drawing thousands of people into the streets. Art paraders constantly overflow venues with their artsy cars in tow. Art ball would definitely give Halloween a run for its money because of the interesting costume worn by participants.
The genesis of art car can be traced to Houston artist, Jackie Harris in early 1970s. He magically turned a car with paint and plastic fruit to art all on a budget of $800. That was perhaps the first creative demonstration of art on a mobile object. Ann Haritas, an artist, started "Collision". Collision was an exhibition at Lawndale art center where Ann featured two art cars. Gradually, others with same interests chirped in and made their contributions. 1986 was the year that history rewarded the campaign of Art Cars in the United States when Rachel Hecker and Trish Herrera organized a New Music Parade. Twenty artist floats and art cars thumped down Montrose Boulevard during the event attracting the media too. The whole texture of art car display started taking shape when Susanne Demchak put together a road show in June 29, 1986 showing low rider demonstrations and children art bike workshops.
The following year, The Orange Show, under the request of Houston festival international, organized an art parade that is now the platform for art car enthusiasts in Houston and environs. Roadside attractions: The Art Car Parade started in April 1988 with a demonstration involving 40 cars while 2000 spectators cheered on. Two years later, Harrod Blank documented the rainbow scourge of art cars in America and those behind it in a movie and two books. This singular event caused an implosion of art car creativity all over America. Art car artists travel miles to join the parade in Houston every year.
The Art Car Museum was established in February 1998 and has become the silver sanctuary in Houston, Texas for art car creators nationwide. The art museum is passionate about promoting a creative art that in past time was shunned in mainstream and cultural art industry. Art cars, fine arts and other eccentric forms of art have a room for sanity and exposure in the museum. The museum highlights lowriders, mobile contraptions and elaborate art cars while encouraging community exhibitions.
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